We will seek the lost, meet them where they're at, love them, see them set free, make them disciples, and equip them to serve
We will seek the lost, meet them where they're at, love them, see them set free, make them disciples, and equip them to serve
Our pastors, Roger and Cindy Sherwood, have been married for 30 years and have 4 daughters: Kelly, Nicole(Sam)Velez, Katherine (David) Leo, and Natalie.
Our pastors are affiliated with the Association of Related Ministries International and our church is a Non-Denominational Church.
You can join us at 2409 Guerrero at 12 noon on Sundays and Wednesday evening at 7pm.
At New Creation Family Church we believe that religion is man's way to get to God. God's way to get to man was by sending Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sins: past, present, and future. You will only hear the Bible taught here. We are a Non-Denominational church.